And Allaah, the Exalted said about
His Prophet Muhammad (.):
“0 Muhammad () for if you had been stern and fierce of
heart they would have dispersed from about you.” (3 : 159)
From the above facts it is clear
that a person, who nvites people to the way of Allaah, should be full of wisdom and
insight. His attitude should not be harsh and his mode without unnecessary haste, in fact
it should be the way of the wise - that is, he should clearly explain his mission with the
help of verses of the Noble Qur’aan and the hadeeth of the Prophet Muhammad () in a clear cut argument. As far as the
missionary work is to be carried out in the way of the ignorants, there is no
use but on the contrary there is loss in it the details of which,
Insha’Allaah, shall be discussed in the
forthcoming pages under the heading, the moral qualities of the preachers. The
Call with ignorance means that something has been attributed to Allaah without
proper knowledge. Similarly the call will be based on ignorance if it is carried
out by force and harsh attitude. The proper way is which has been enjoined by
Almighty Allaah :
“Call unto
the way of the Lord with wisdom and fair exhortation, and reason with them in the better
way.” (16 : 125)
But when a person who is invited towards the way of
Allaah is determined to demonstrate sancour, foul means and enmity, there is no
harm if he is paid in the same coins as Almighty Allaah said:
“0 Prophet !
Strive against the disbelievers and the hypocrites, Be harsh with them ! Their ultimate
abode is Hell, a hopeless journey's end.” (9 : 73)
And at another place it is said:
“And argue
not with the people of the scripture, unless it be in (a way) that is better save with
such of them as do wrong.” (29 : 46)
What is the message to which the people are called. Its
elucidation and explanation is necessary for those who wish to invite the
persons to the way of Allaah - the way which been explained by the Prophets of
Allaah. (A.S.). It is the invitation to the people to follow the straight path
as enjoined by Allaah, the Supreme. It is Islaam ,it is the call to the Deen
(True Religion). This is the subject matter of the invitation.The Qur’aan
calls it the way of Allaah:
“Call unto
the way of thy Lord...” (16 : 125)
So the way of Allaah is the straight
path, Deen of Allaah --- which was brought by the Prophet of Allaah, Muhammad (). It is necessary to call the people to this
particular way of life only and not towards a particular school of religion or to the
thought or opinion of a particular person. It is to call towards the True Religion sent by
Allaah - the straight path with which the Messenger and Beloved of Allaah, Muhammad () had been sent into this world and for which
the Qur’aan and the Sunnah stand testimony. Along with this call to the people, the
true belief and view-point is necessary i.e., sincere and complete faith in Allaah and
worshipping Him with the staunch belief in the tawheed of Allaah. Belief in the Hereafter
and all the Messengers of Allaah (A.S) and belief in everything that has been told by the
Prophet of Allaah, Muhammd () This is
the basis and cornerstone of the straight path called Siraat-ul-Mustaqeem. In fact, the
people are to be invited to declare and testify that there is none else worthy of worship
except Allaah and Prophet Muhammad () is His Messenger.