23. And he is allowed to enter by any path as the Prophet said: All of the mountain passes of Makkah are a pathway and place for slaughter and in another hadith, All of Makkah is a pathway. He enters from here and leaves from here.(32)
24. So if you enter the masjid do not forget to enter by the right foot,(33)and say:(34)

allallhumma salli `alaa muhammadin wa sallim - allaahumma aftah lee abwaaba rahmatika or a'oodhu billaahil `azeemi wa biwajhihil kareem wa sultaanihil qadeemi minash shaitaanir rajeem.
25. And when he sees the Ka'bah he raises his hands if he wants to - as it is established from Ibn `Abbaas.(35)
26. And there is no du'aa established from the Prophet at this point. So he may make du'aa with Whatever he can if he wishes with the du'aa which is established from `Umar:(36)

allaahumma anta salaamu wa minkas salaamu fahayyinaa rabbanaa bissalaam
Tawaaf of Quadoom (arrival)
27. Then he should go straight to the Black Stone and facing it make takbeer. And he may say `Bismillah' before it - as it is authentically reported from Ibn `Umar, although not from the Prophet.
28. Then he touches the Black Stone with his hand and kisses it also, and makes sajda upon it also - as Rasoolullah did that, and `Umar, and Ibn `Abbaas.(37)
29. If he is not able to kiss it then he touches it with his hand then kisses his hand.
30. Then if he cannot touch it he should make a sign towards it with his hand.
31. And he does that in every circuit.
32. And he should not push and crowd to get to it according to the Prophet's saying: O`Umar, you are a strong man, so do not harm the weak, and when you wish to touch it, then when it become free then touch it, and if not then face it and say takbeer.(38)
33. And there is in touching the Black Stone a great excellence as the Prophet said: "Allaah will raise up the Stone on the Day of Judgement, and will have two eyes with which it will see, and a tongue which it talks with, and it will give witness in favor of everyone who touched it in truth."(39)And he said: "Touching the Black Stone and the Yemeni corner removes sins."(40)"The Black Stone is from Paradise, and it used to be whiter that snow, but the sins of the idolaters turned it black."(41)
34. Then he should begin making tawaaf around the Ka'bah - it being to his left - and he goes around past the Stone seven times - from the Stone to the Stone being one, wearing the iHraam under his right armpit and over the left (called al-idtibaa')(42) throughout the tawaaf. And walking quickly and with boldness (ramal - a strong walk in which the shoulders are thrust forwards) in the first three, from the Stone to the Stone - then he walks normally in the rest.
35. And he touches the Yemeni corner with his hand each time he passes and does not kiss it, and if he is not able to touch it then he should not make any sign towards it with his hand at all.
36. And he should say between the two corners: "O Allaah gives us good in this life, and good in the Hereafter and save us from the Punishment of the Fire."(43)
Rabbanaa aatinaa fid-dunyaa hasanatan wa feel aakhirati hasanatan wa qinaa 'adhaaban naar [Soorat-ul-Baqarah ayah 201]

(Our Lord! Give us good in this world and good in the Hereafter, and defend us from the torment of the Fire.)
37. And he does not touch the two shaami corners at all following the sunnah of the Prophet.(44)
Iltizaam Between The Corner And The Door
38. And he may cling to the place between the corner and the Door - placing his chest and face and forearms upon this place.(45)
39. And there is no particular dhikr for tawaaf - so he may read Qur'an or say any dhikr he pleases, according to the Prophet's saying : Tawaaf around the House is prayer, except that Allah has allowed speech in it, so he who speaks then let him not say except, good things and in a narration : so let him limit his talk in it."(46)
40. And it is forbidden for a naked person or a mentruating woman to make tawaaf of the House, as he said : A naked person may not make tawaaf of the House."(47)And his saying to 'Aa'ishah when she came to make 'Umrah in the final Hajj : Do as anyone making Hajj does, except do not make tawaaf of the House (and do not pray) until you become clean.(48)