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Hajj and Umrah
  Rites of Hajj and Umrah From the book and Sunnah and Narrations from the Pious Predecessors
Author: Shaikh Naasir ud-Deen al-Albaanee
Article ID : IBD110001  [67461]  
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14. And he should say the talbiyyah of the Prophet:

(i) labbaikallaahumma labbaika labbaika laa shareeka laka labbaika-innal hamda wan na'mata laka wal mulka-la shareeka laka

(Here I am O Allah, here I am, there is no partner for You, here I am, Verily all praise for You, and every bounty is from You, and all dominion is Yours - You have no partner.)

(ii) And he also said: labbaika ilaahal haqq


(Here I am O God of Truth.)

15. And it is better to stick to the talbiyyah of the Prophet, even though it is permissible to increase upon it - as the Prophet approved of those who did so, saying: "labbaika dhal ma'aarij, labbaika dhal fawaadil".

(of the Ways of Ascent, Here I am Owner of Excellence.) And Ibn `Umar used to also say: "labbaika wa sa'daika wal khairu biyadaika war-raghabaa'u ilaika wal `amalu"

(Here I am and blessed by You, and all good is in Your Hands, and desire and action are directed towards You.)(18)

16. And the one saying the talbiyyah is ORDERED to raise his voice with it, as the Prophet said: "Jibreel came to me and ordered me to ordered my companions and those with me to raise their voices with talbiyyah."(19)and he said: "the best Hajj is shouting out and spilling blood.(20)

Therefore the companions of the Prophet when they entered into iHraam, by the time they reached `arRauhaa' their voices had tired out.(21)

And the Prophet said: "It is as if I am looking at Musa, upon whom be peace, descending from the mountain pass raising his voice with talbiyyah..."(22)

17. And women, as regards the talbiyyah, are like men - as the two preceding hadith are general - so they should raise their voices as long as their is no fear of fitnah. And `Aa'ishah used to raise her voice until the men could hear her. Abu `Atiyyah said: "I heard `Aa'ishah saying: Verily I know how was the talbiyyah of Rasoolullah, then I heard her after that saying: Labbaikallaahumma labbaika..."(23)


And Qaasim ibn Muhammad said: Mu'aawiyyah went out at night and heard the voice of someone making talbiyyah, so he said: `Who is that?" It was said: "`Aa'ishah, Mother of the Believers, making `Umrah from at-Tan'eem." So that was mentioned to `Aa'ishah so she said: "If he had asked me I would have told him."(24)

18. And he continually repeats the talbiyyah as it is "from the signs of Hajj"(25)and because of the Prophet's saying: There is no one who makes talbiyyah except that whatever is on his right and left - trees and stones also make talbiyyah until the earth resounds from here and here - meaning - on his right and left."(26)

Especially whenever he ascends a high place or descends a valley - according to the hadith which has preceded: "It is as if I am looking at Musa - upon whom be peace - coming down from the mountain pass....loudly reciting talbiyyah" and in the other hadith: "It is if I am looking towards him when he descends in the valley reciting talbiyyah".(27)

19. And he may also recite along with it "La ilaaha illallaah" and talbiyyah according to the saying of Ibn Mas'ood may Allaah be pleased with him - "I went out Rasoolullah and he did not leave off the talbiyyah until he stoned Jamrat-ul' Aqabah - except when he mixed it with reciting talbiyyah? or "La ilaaha illallaah".(28)

20. So when he reaches the haram of Makkah and sees the houses of Makkah he leaves off the talbiyyah to concentrate on the following actions:(29)

Taking Ghusl for entring Makkah

21. And whoever can talk a ghusl (bath) before entering Makkah then he should do so. And he should enter Makkah in the day following the example of Rasoolullah.(30)

22. And he should enter from the upper part of Makkah which today has Bab ul Mi'laah as the Prophet entered from the upper pass (Kadaa')(31) above the graveyard, and he entered the masjid from Bab Bani Shaibah as that was the nearest way to the Black Stone (Al-Hajrul-Aswad).

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