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Hajj and Umrah
  Rites of Hajj and Umrah From the book and Sunnah and Narrations from the Pious Predecessors
Author: Shaikh Naasir ud-Deen al-Albaanee
Article ID : IBD110001  [75419]  
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Fajr Prayer In Muzdalifah

80. And all of the pilgrims pray Fajr prayer in Muzdalifah (a place between 'Arafah and Minaa) except the weak and the women - it being permissible for them to leave after half of the night has passed for fear of the crush of people.

81. Then he comes to the Mash'ar al-Haraam (a small mountain in Muzdalifah) and climbs upon it and faces the Qiblah - then recites tahweed,takbeer, tahleel - and declares Allaah's Unity and makes du'aa until the sky becomes very bright.

82. And all Muzdalifah is a place of standing - so wherever he stands then it is permissible.

83. Then he leaves for Minaa before the sun rises, calmly while reciting talbiyyah.

84. So when he comes to the river valley of Mu-Hassir he hurries if possible - and it is a part of Minaa.

85. Then he takes the middle road which takes him to the Jamrat ul Aqabah.

The Stoning (Ar-Ramee)

86. And he picks up in Minaa stones with which he intends to do the stoning of Jamrat-ul-'Aqabah - and it is the last of the Jamraat and the nearest one to Makkah.

87. And he faces the Pillar (Jamrah), having Makkah to his left and Minaa to his right.

88. Then he stones it with seven small stones, like the Stones of Khadhf - which are slightly longer than the chick-pea.

89. And he recites takbeer while throwing each stone.(73)

90. And he ceases reciting talbiyyah when throwing the last stone.7(74)

91. And he he does not perform this stoning until after sunrise, even the women or weak who were allowed to leave Muzdalifah after half the night, as this is one thing and the stoning is something else.(75)

92. And he may perform this stoning after noon even up to the night if he finds difficulty in performing this stoning before noon as is established in the hadith.

93. So when he has stoned the Jamrah everything becomes lawful for him again except women, even if he has not sacrificed or shaved his head - so he may wear his clothes and use perfume.

94. However he should perform Tawaaf-ul-Ifaada on the same day (before Maghrib) if he wishes to continue in his state of having left iHraam - otherwise, if he has not made Tawaaf before the evening (before Maghrib) then he returns to the state of iHraam as he was before the stoning - so he should remove his clothes and put on iHraam according to the Prophet's saying: "Verily on this day has been allowed for you, when you have stoned the Jamrah, that was prohibited for you except women (sexual intercourse). Verily on this day everything that you were prohibited from (by iHraam) has been allowed for you, when you have stoned the Jamrah, except the women (sexual intercourse) - so if evening comes upon you before you have made Tawaaf of this House then you revert to the state of iHraam as you were before stoning the Jamrah - until you make the Tawaaf.(76)

The Sacrifice

95. Then he comes to the place of sacrifice in Minna and sacrifices his animal - and that is the Sunnah.

96. However, it is permisible for him to slaughter in any other part of Minna or Makkah as the Prophet said: I have slaughtered here and all of Minna is a place for salughtering, and all of the mountain pass approaches, so slaughter on your place of stopping.(77)

97. And the Sunnah is to do the dhabh (slaughter by a horizontal cut through the throat) or Nahr (slaughter by a vertical movement of the spear to the lower part of the throat) with own hand if possible, and if not, then to depute someone else to do it.

98. And he should make the animal face the Qiblah when slaughtering(78), making it lie down on its left side and putting his right foot upon its right side.(79)

99. As for the camel then he should slaughter it by means of Nahr..while it is standing having its left leg tied, standing on its others(80)with its face towards the Qiblah.(81)

100. And he says when slaughtering: Bismillaahi Wallaahu Akbar Al-Laahumma Inna Hadha Minka Wa Laka(82) Al Lahumma Taqabbal Minnee(83)

(In the name of Allah and Allah is greater. O Allah this is from You and for You. O Allah accept it from me.)

101. And the time for slaughter is the four days of 'Eid - Yaum-un-Nahr, and that is called 'Yaum ul-Jajj-ul-Akbar' (Day of the greatest Hajj)(84)and the three days of Tashreeq, as the Prophet said: "Allthe days of Tashreeq are for sacrifice.(85)

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