Warning Against the Innovators |
The Methodology of Ahl-us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah in Warning Against Innovators and Their Books |
Author: Shaikh Rabee' bin Haadee al-Madkhalee |
Source: book Manhaj Ahl-us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah Fee Naqd-ir-Rijaal wal-Kutub wat-Tawaa'if |
Article ID : BDH050002 [48365] |
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I say: May Allaah bestow His mercy on Imaam Adh-Dhahabee! How
would it be if he were to see books the likes of At-Tabaqaat by
Ash-Sha'raanee and Jawaahir-ul-Ma'aanee and
Buloogh-ul-Amaanee fee Faid Abil-'Abaas At-Teejaanee by 'Alee Ibn
Haraazim Al-Faasee!? How about if he were to see
Khazeenat-ul-Asraar (The treasure of the Hidden Realms) of
Muhammad Haqqee An-Naazilee?! Or if he saw Noor-ul-Absaar (The
Light for All Eyes) of Ash-Sheelanjee?! How would it be if he were to see
Shawaahid-ul-Haqq fee Jawaaz-il-Istighaathati Bi-Sayyid-il-Khalq
(Witnesses of Truth concerning the Permissibility of Calling on the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam)
for Help) and Jaami' Kiraamaat-ul-Awliyaa (A Compilation of the
Miracles of the Saints) of An-Nubhaanee?! How would it be if he were to see
Tableeghee Nusaab and its likes from the authors who adhere to the
Sufi orders?! What if he were to see the works of the Ghazaalee of this era
– those which launch an attack on the prophetic Sunnah, mock and ridicule
its upholders and the ones who cling tightly onto it from the young followers of
the Salaf, and which cast the most hideous of accusations and the most repulsive
of names at them?! How would it be if he were to see the written works of
Al-Mawdoodee and what is contained in them from deviant beliefs, ideologies and
methodologies?! How would it be if he were to see the books of Al-Qaradaawee,
which rise to defend and support the innovators and their innovations! Rather,
they explain their principles and follow in the line of the objectives of the
Ghazaalee of this era![26] Rather they are more dangerous! What if he were to see
the callers of our time, who have come to accept these deviant books, driving
themselves and their youth and followers to pursue the methodologies of deviant
and misguided sects?! Rather, they defend these methodologies as well as protect
their innovating leaders! How would it be if he were to see the books of
Al-Kawtharee and his students Abu Ghudda and his brothers who are from amongst
the biggest fanatics in supporting Sufism and madh-habism?! How would it be if
he were to see the works of Al-Bootee and his likes from the enemies of the
Sunnah and the enemies of the teachings of Tawheed and from the teachings of Ibn
Taimiyyah?! How would it be if he were to see the youth of this ummah,
rather the youth of Islaam, and how ignorant they are of the methodology of the
Salaf. Rather, they are ignorant of the Qur'aan and the Sunnah and have
readily accepted these abominable and destructive books![27]
Woe to the one who turns away from criticizing these books and
desires to protect these innovators' religious beliefs and ideologies from the
evil forms of misguidance found in these books!
Woe be to him! Who is it that can defend himself from their
attacks and their daring accusations?! Indeed, to Allaah do we belong and indeed
it is to Him that we will return!
Al-Haafidh Ibn Rajab (ra) said in Sharh ‘Ilal
At-Tirmidhee (Explanation of the defects found in Sunan At-Tirmidhee):
"Many of the people that disparage the scholars of hadeeth
have gained mastery in their attacks by mentioning some of these defects (found
in At-Tirmidhee). The objective behind this was either to discredit the hadeeth
altogether or to cast doubts in them. Or to discredit all the hadeeth except for
the hadeeth from the people of Hijaaz. This was as was done by Husain
Al-Karaabeesee in his book, which he entitled Al-Mudalliseen. This
book was mentioned to Imaam Ahmad and he renounced it severely. Likewise, Abu
Thawr and many other scholars repudiated it.