Warning Against the Innovators |
The Methodology of Ahl-us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah in Warning Against Innovators and Their Books |
Author: Shaikh Rabee' bin Haadee al-Madkhalee |
Source: book Manhaj Ahl-us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah Fee Naqd-ir-Rijaal wal-Kutub wat-Tawaa'if |
Article ID : BDH050002 [46009] |
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Therefore, all these books that consist of opposition to the
Sunnah have no permission to be written. Rather, they only have permission to be
erased and destroyed, for there is not anything more harmful to the ummah
than these books. The Sahaabah RAA burned all the copies of the mus-haf
that opposed the mus-haf of 'Uthmaan RAA out of fear that differing would
spread amongst the ummah (if they didn't do so). So how would it be if
they were to see the books of today that cause disunity and division amongst the
Then Ibn Al-Qayyim (ra) said:
"The objective is for these books, that contain lies and innovations,
to be annihilated and destroyed. Destroying these books takes more precedence
over destroying musical instruments and alcoholic containers, since their
harm is much greater than the harm caused by these (latter) things. And there
is no insurance to be paid for their loss, just as there is no insurance for
breaking the vessels in which alcohol is drunk out of." [23]
Imaam Adh-Dhahabee (ra) said:
"Sa'eed Ibn 'Amr Al-Barda'ee said: ‘I witnessed Abu
Zur'ah when he was asked concerning Al-Haarith Al-Muhaasibee and his books. And
he responded to the questioner by saying: 'Beware of these books for these are
books of innovation and misguidance! Stick to the narrations for indeed you will
find in them that which is sufficient for you.’ Then it was said to him:
‘There is an admonition for us in these books.’ So he responded:
‘Whosoever does not receive admonition from the Qur’aan, then he
will not receive any admonition from these books! Has it reached you that
Sufyaan or Maalik or Al-Awzaa’ee wrote these types of books on false
delusions and misgivings? How quick people are to rush to innovations!’
Al-Haarith died in the year 243 after Hijrah. So where are the
likes of Al-Haarith, now? And how would it be if Abu Zur’ah (ra) were to
see the books that were written in later times, such as
Quwat-ul-Quloob (Strength of the hearts) of Abu Taalib?! And where
are the likes of Quwat-ul-Quloob, now?!? How would it be if he
were to see Bahjat-ul-Asraar (The splendors of the hidden
dimensions) of Ibn Juhdam or Haqaa’iq-ut-Tafseer (The
real/hidden meanings of the Qur’aan) of As-Sulamee?! He would go
completely out of his mind!! How would it be if he were to see the books of Abu
Haamid At-Toosee (i.e. Al-Ghazaalee), for that matter, due to the large amount
of fabricated narrations found in Ihyaa ‘Uloom-ud-Deen
(Reviving the Sciences of the Religion)?! How would it be if he were to see
Al-Ghunyah of Shaikh ‘Abd-ul-Qaadir (Al-Jilani)?! How would
it be if he were to see Fusoos Al-Hikam (The Segments of Wisdom)
and Al-Fatoohaat Al-Makkiyah ?! [24]
Indeed, when Al-Haarith was the voice of the people during that
period, even though there were thousands of scholars of hadeeth alive at his
time, among them the likes of Ahmad Ibn Hanbal and Ibn Rahawaih. And when the
scholars of hadeeth came to be such individuals as Ibn Ad-Dakhmees and Ibn
Shahaanah, he (Al-Haarith) came to be known as one of the highest ranking of
people of knowledge, just like the author of Al-Fusoos (Ibn ‘Arabee)
and Ibn Sab’een. And we ask Allaah for His forgiveness!!"