Sayyid Qutb, the mentor and leader of the neo-Kharijites, whose writings and
works are the spring and fountain of today’s political activists said
(Zilal 2/1057): "And mankind has apostatised [by turning] to the worship of
the servants [of Allaah] and to the oppression of the religions. And they have
turned away from ‘Laa ilaaha illallaaha’ (the declaration) –
even if a small party from them remain repeating ‘Laa ilaaha
illallaah’ upon the minarets without actually understanding its meaning
and intending its meaning, yet he repeats it without rejecting the legislative
Hakimiyah that the servants have claimed for themselves".
And he says further "Except that mankind has returned to the Jahiliyyah
(of the first times) and it has apostatised from ‘Laa ilaaha
illallaaha’, having given to those servants the specific characteristics
of Uluhiyyah and has not considered the Tawhid of Allaah and has not given
exclusive loyalty to Him"
And then he follows this with, "The whole of mankind, including those
who repeat from the minarets, in the eastern and western parts of the world, the
words ‘Laa ilaaha illallaaha’, without any [consideration of]
meaning or reality, then they are the most sinful of people and will be the most
severely punished on the day of Judgement because they have apostatised by
turning to the worship of the servants (of Allaah)."!!???
And how strange it is and how baffling it is that the Qutubiyyah,
Surooriyyah, Khawarij of the Era, do not shudder at the fact that the
application of their own principles would render their mentor and leader Sayyid
Qutb an apostate!!! Do they not see that he has mocked and reviled the Kaleem of
Allaah, Musa (alaihis salaam) as well as the most notable of the Companions of
Allaah. He describes Musa (alaihis salaam) as " excitable, impetuous,
highly strung and temperamental" (Tasweer al-Fannee p.154) and he says
further, "Lets leave him at this point (of history) and return to him at a
later stage of his life, after ten years, and perhaps he has calmed down and has
is now composed and at ease with himself" and he continues, "Then lets
leave him for a while so that we can see what the passing of time has done to
this highly strung youth"!!!.
And do they not see that Shaikh Bin Baaz – rahimahullaah – upon
hearing the words of Sayyid Qutb being read out to him stated, that
"Mockery of the Prophets is apostasy on its own". [During a
lesson of Shaikh ‘Abdul - ‘Azeez ibn Baaz - hafizahullaah - in his
house in Rayaad: 1413H, ‘Minhaajus-Sunnah tapes of ar-Rayaad]. So will
these newly-arisen foolish minded ones proclaim with the might of their tongues
that Sayyid Qutb apostatised by these words of his??!!
Hence, they are the Murji’ah in truth since innovations and calamities
such as those of Qutb, Mawdudi, Turabi and others do not harm faith in the view
of these activists.
Salman Awdah said in his cassette, "Jalsah ala ar-Rasif" about the
singer who openly commits fisq, "Allaah will not forgive him! Unless he
repents, because the Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) ruled that he will
not be forgiven [saying] ‘All of my Ummah will be forgiven’
…! This is because they are apostates [murtaddoon] due to this act of
theirs!![*]… This is apostasy from Islam!! This one will abide
eternally in the fire – and refuge is with Allaah -, unless he repents!!
Why? This is because they do not believe in the saying of Allaah, the Mighty and
Majestic, "And do not come near to zina (fornication or adultery), verily
it is an obscenity and an evil way indeed" Allaah is watchful over you! The
one who acknowledges that zina is unlawful and an obscenity and which angers
Allaah, would he then boast (about his sin) in front of the people?! In front of
millions, or many thousands of people?! … A believer would never do
[*] The manhaj of the Khawarij, pure and clear. Awdah does not even leave
room for himself to manoeuvre out of this, his words being clear, that such
people are apostates on account of a sin alone.
Aa’id al-Qarnee said, on p.335 of ‘al-Misk
wal-‘Anbar’, "And this – meaning intoxicants - are the
greatest of those things by which Allaah is disobeyed upon His
[**] And is this greater than the greatest of calamities of Turabi? And the
government of Sudan, which in the view of these foolish-minded newcomers is the
model of an Islamic State??!! Is it greater than the kufr, shirk and
bid’ah to be found in this so called Islamic State?? Is it greater than
the shirk of the grave worshippers of Afghanistan?!