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  Salafiyyah (17 Articles)
On Ascription to the Salaf and an Explanation of the Principles of Salafiyyah

lbn Taymiyyah (d.728H) - rahimahullaah - said: "There is no criticism for the one who proclaims the way (madhdhab) of the Salaf, who attaches himself to it and refers to it. Rather, it is obligatory to accept that from him by unanimous agreement (Ittifaaq) because the way (madhdhab) of the Salaf is nothing but the Truth (Haqq)." [Majmoo al-Fataawaa 4:149]

Imaam adh-Dhahabee (d.748H) - rahimahullaah - said: "It is authentically related from ad-Daaraqutnee that he said: There is nothing more despised by me than 'irnul-kalaam (innovated speech and rhetorics). I say: No person should ever enter into 'ilmul-kalaam, nor argumentation. Rather, he should be Salafee (a follower of the Salaf)."[Siyar 16/457]

On Ascription to the Salaf (7)
An Explanation of the Importance of Ascribing Oneself to the Salaf and Salafiyyah as a Way and School of Thought.
The Principles of Salafiyyah (8)
An Outline of the Knowledge Based Fundamentals of the Salafi Way.
Salafiyyah: The Way of As.haabul Hadeeth (2)
Salafiyyah is embodied in the methodology traversed by the As.haabul Hadeeth, who preserve the religion and maintain its purity.

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