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Jihad in the Quran and Sunnah
  Debate with a Jihadi
Author: Shaikh al-Albaanee
Article ID : IBD170004  [73257]  
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The discussion starts with al-Jihaad supporter :-

Al-jihad supporter : We have no doubt that you are one of the first of the scholars in the century to call for the return to the understanding of the Salaf. There is no doubt that the issue of jihad is an issue of disagreement among those who follow manhaj as-Salaf assali7. In the issue of jihad, we call the people to fight jihad under two conditions : The first is that is has to be done in pure intention for the sake of Allah. The second that it has to be under the banner of Islam. However we hear from the devout muslim youth other conditions that they narrate from you which we never heard about in hadith, such conditions are Islamic knowledge (or Education and purification - Tasfiyah wa Tarbiyah) and having Khilafa or an Islamic state. These conditions we hear a lot from the brothers who follow manhaj as-Salaf, and I am among those who follow this manhaj insha' Allah. My Question is : do these conditions have any reference in the Sunnah ? or are they only an ijtihad regarding the current situation and\or conditions? and before that do you really call for these conditions?

Al-Albani : first of all, we agreed to discuss this issue with you to find out about your da3wa.

Al-jihad supporter : I told you about it.

Al-Albani : Then, explain your da3wa. Your questions are premature now, I want to understand what you da3wa is for.

Al-jihad supporter : my da3wa is clear, to do jihad according to the conditions I mentioned. Intention because the prophet KAW said "whoever fought for the word of Allah to be the higher word is fi sabeel Allah". Under the banner of Islam because the prophet KAW said "whoever fought for the sake of 3asabiyah supporting one group or fighting another and died, he died the death of jahiliyah."

Al-Albani : OK. Do we need an Amir to do jihad ?

Al-jihad supporter : No.

Al-Albani : so we do jihad in a big disorganized mess ? (Arabic : Fawda)

Al-jihad supporter : No ... but

Al-Albani : Also, your first condition which is the pure intention. This condition in every worship so we are done with it. Your second, under the Islamic banner, do you imagen jihad without an Amir? how can we have an Islamic banner without an Amir for that banner ?

Al-jihad supporter : We can do jihad in this manner like if a muslim goes to a kafir enemy leader, and kills him.

Al-Albani : But we were talking about the jihad of a group. Jihad under an Islamic banner is it the jihad of one person or the jihad of a group ? Also, a group of Muslims that leave for jihad, do they not need an Amir to lead them ?

Al-jihad supporter : Yes, yes of course. A group of Muslims who travel or leave for jihad need an Amir. and If a group of Muslims of more than 3 leave for Jihad they need an Amir.

Al-Albani : Then why did you not mention this as a condition?

Al-jihad supporter : well, okay, let us make it a third condition.

Al-Albani : Okay for the Fard 3ayn jihad, do we need a jama3a for it or can it be done as individuals ?

Al-jihad supporter : Either case.

Al-Albani : This is not an answer.

Al-jihad supporter : why is that ?

Al-Albani : We said that jihad is two kinds : Fard Kifayah, which only a small group of Muslims can do, and if a group do it, the rest of the Muslims are not questioned about it. This kind of jihad individuals can do on their own. Fard 3ayn which ALL the Muslims have to do it in a specific area. To do this kind of jihad, do we not need an Amir to lead the Muslims ?

Al-jihad supporter : yes we need an Amir for this group if it fights or if it doesn't fight.

Al-Albani : Good Good, we return to say Amir to mean a Khalifa of the Muslims.

Al-jihad supporter : no not a khalifa.

Al-Albani : Why? is it dangerous to say khalifa?

Al-jihad supporter : Yes of course, because this means we want to reap the fruit before we plant the trees.

Al-Albani : This is what I see you doing. You say you want an Amir for the whole group of Muslims to lead jihad and at the same time you don't want him to be the khalifa! is this what you want ?

Al-jihad supporter : well, yes.

Al-Albani : !! Okay then where is this Amir? and who is this Amir? and can we have more than one Amir? We are now on the condition we agreed on before, which is that we need an Amir, and you claim that we need an Amir to lead this group jihad without him being the khalifa. Which do we get first, the Amir or the jihad ? this is like asking do we pray before the athan or after. which comes first ?

[after a while of arguing around]

Al-jihad supporter : Okay we do need an Amir for the Fard 3ayn jihad before we start the jihad.

Al-Albani : Excellent. Then do we call to have an Amir first, or do we call for the jihad first.

Al-jihad supporter : well, both at the same time.

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