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Welcome! On this website, you will be able to keep up to date on whatever is available of the Shaykh's materials in English on the well known Salafee web sites. This website physically retrieves and displays updates from each of the abovementioned sites in real time, as you click on the relevant page. To view translated articles contributed by each of these sites click on the buttons above.


Creed of Wasitiyyah : Part 1 : The Basmalah
A brief explanation of the Basmalah, its meaning, usage and implications

Creed of Wasitiyyah : Part 2 : The Religion of Truth and Guidance & the Two Testimonies
Concerning the true religion and guidance, the two testimonies and sending salaat upon the Messenger.

Creed of Wasitiyyah : Part 3 : The Firqat un-Najiyah and Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah
On the meaning of the Firqat un-Najiyah (The Saved Sect) and Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah.

Creed of Wasitiyyah : Part 4 : The Pillars of Imaan
A brief overview of the pillars of Imaan (faith).

Creed of Wasitiyyah : Part 5 : How to Believe in the Names & Attributes of Allaah
A look at the way of the Salaf in believing in the Names and Attributes of Allaah.

Creed of Wasitiyyah : Part 6 : Understanding The Names and Attributes of Allaah
The balanced way of the Salaf concerning the Attributes and which is based upon the saying of Allaah in Surah Shooraa (42):11

Creed of Wasitiyyah : Part 7 : Ilhaad and the Negation of Takyif, Tamthil
A discussion of Ilhaad (Deviation) in Allaah's Names and Attributes and the negation of Takyif and Tamthil

Creed of Wasitiyyah : Part 8: Allaah Has No Equal or Rival
There is no equal nor rival to Allaah and there is none that is more knowledgeable of Allaah than Himself.

Creed of Wasitiyyah : Part 9 : The Messengers are Those in Whose Information Trust Can be Placed
Knowledge of Allaah comes through the Messengers and hence they must be dependable and trustworthy. Thus, there is no decifiency or shortcoming in what they narrate about Allaah.

Creed of Wasitiyyah : Part 10 : Allaah is Free of Defects and the Statements of the Messengers are Devoid of Error
Allaah is free of all imperfections and following from this, the Messengers He has sent are also free of error and decificiency in what they narrate and inform about him.

Creed of Wasitiyyah : Part 11 : How Allaah Describes Himself
Allaah's way in describing himself by means of affirmation and negation, and Ahl us-Sunnah's position being based upon it.

Creed of Wasitiyyah : Part 12 : The Straight Path of the Prophets, Truthful, Martyrs and Righteous
A look at the way of those upon whom Allaah has bestowed His favour.

Creed of Wasitiyyah : Part 13 : Surah Ikhlaas
The combination of affirmation and denial (for the Attributes of Allaah) illustrated in Surah Ikhlaas.

Creed of Wasitiyyah : Part 14 : Aayat ul-Kursi (The Verse of the Footstool)
The combination of affirmation and denial for the Attributes of Allaah illustrated in Aayat ul-Kursi.

Creed of Wasitiyyah : Part 15 : Allaah's Transcendence and Nearness And His Eternity, Without Beginning Or End
Looking at the four names established for Allaah, al-Awwal (the First), al-Aakhir (the Last), adh-Dhaahir (the Most High), al-Baatin (the Most Near), with the tafseer of these names from Ibn Qayyim.

Creed of Wasitiyyah : Part 16 : Allaah’s Everlasting Life, and the Names al-Hakeem and al-Khabeer
Explanation of Allaah's perfect and everlasting life, as well as the affirmation and explanation of two of Allaah's Beatiful Names, al-Hakeem and al-Khabeer

Creed of Wasitiyyah : Part 17 : The Attributes of Ilm and Qudrah and Quwwah, and the Names ar-Razzaaq, al-Mateen
Affirmation of the perfect and all-encompassing attribute of knowledge for Allaah, the Most High and the affirmation some additional Names and respective Attributes.

Creed of Wasitiyyah : Part 18 : The Attributes of Hearing and Seeing
Affirmation of the two attributes of hearing and seeing for Allaah, and indication that Allaah combines between negation and affirmation when He describes or names Himself, this being the correct way and being a refutation of the opposers.

Creed of Wasitiyyah : Part 19 : Affirmation of the Iraadah and Mashee'ah for Allaah
Affirming Allaah's Mashee'ah and Iraadah, by way of the textual evidences, and explaining the obligation to believe in the two types of Iraadah, and differentiating between them both to avoid the innovations of the Jabariyyah and Qadariyyah.

Creed of Wasitiyyah : Part 20 : Affirmation of al-Mahabbah and al-Mawaddah (Love) for Allaah
Looking at the verses that contain an affirmation of the attribute of love (mahabbah, mawaddah) for Allaah, and explanation of those whom Allaah loves and the actions and qualities that He loves.

Creed of Wasitiyyah : Part 21 : Affirmation of the Attributes of Rahmah (Mercy) and Maghfirah (Forgiveness) for Allaah
Explanation of a selection of the texts from the Quraan that indicate affirmation of the two attributes of rahmah and maghfirah for Allaah, the Most High and explaining the difference between the names ar-Rahmaan and ar-Raheem.

Creed of Wasitiyyah : Part 22 : Affirmation of Pleasure, Anger, Hatred as Attributes for Allaah
Explanation of the verses that indicate the affirmation of the Attributes of pleasure, anger, hatred, punishment, cursing, and others, for Allaah, the Most High, in the manner that befits His Majesty.


Shaikh Salih al-Fawzan on Sayyid Qutb
The Shaikh looks at az-Zilal of Qutb and explains that it is not tafsir of the Qur'an in the classical sense and that it contains serious errors.

Refuting ash-Shayijee : Shaikh al-Fawzaan Free's Himself from the Lie of Ash-Shayijee
Outlining the lies and distortions of ash-Shayijee in his attempts to justify and adopt the ways and methods of democracy.

Shaikh Salih al-Fawzaan on Tawheed ul-Haakimiyyah
Shaikh Salih al-Fawzaan crushing the Innovation of the Qutubiyyah and confirming the unanimous stance of the People of Knowledge on this issue.

Shaikh Saalih al-Fawzaan on the Bid'ah of al-Muwaazanah
The Shaikh speaks against one of the main Innovations of the Era, and explains Shaikh Rabee's role in refuting it.

Shaykh Salih al-Fawzan On the Generalised Statements of Takfir of Salman al-Awdah
The Noble Shaykh comments on some of the statements of one of the frontment for the doctrines of Aal Qutb, and inherent takfeer therein.

The Speech of the Scholars Upon Safar and Salmaan: Part 3 - Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan
Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan highlighting the generalised and specific form of takfeer found with these individuals, as well as his praises and commendations of the books that refuted and exposed them.


An Explanation of the Truth of Monotheism
A truly excellent treatise, well written, brief and concise and a comprehensive treatment of the subject of the Tawheed that the Messengers were sent with. A must read.

Readings in the Four Principles: Part 1 - Introduction
An introduction to the treatise of Shaikh ul-Islaam Ibn Abdul-Wahhaab and a brief explanation of the opening words, which contain an indication of the call of the Prophets.

Readings in the Four Principles: Part 2 - Haneefiyyah, The Religion of Ibraaheem
An explanation of the meaning of al-Haneefiyyah, which was the religion of Ibraaheem, that of Tawheed, and which all the Prophets called to.

Readings in the Four Principles: Part 3 - The Purification of Tawheed
A look at the requirement of purifying Tawheed from all impurities, and that Tawheed with the impurity of Shirk is unacceptable to Allaah.

Readings in the Four Principles: Part 4 - The First Principle
An explanation of the first principle that proves that the Kuffaar and Mushriks upon the Qur'aan was revealed, affirmed Allaah's Lordship over the creation.

Readings in the Four Principles: Part 5 - The Second Principle
Illustrating that the Mushriks upon whom the Qur'aan was revealed supplicated to the dead with the hope of attaining Intercession and nearness to Allaah by way of them.

Readings in the Four Principles: Part 6 - The Third Principle
Proving that those whom the Messenger fought against worshipped many different things, such as the righteous, the angels, idols, jinn, the prophets, and yet he did not differentiate between any of them.

Readings in the Four Principles: Part 7 - The Fourth Principle
Those who associate partners with Allaah in His worship amongst the contemporaries are greater in crime than those of the former times, from a number of aspects.

The Aqeedah of Tawheed: Part 1 - The Islamic Aqeedah
The first in a four part series on the aqeedah of tawheed, explained in a very brief and easy, yet concise and comprehensive manner by Shaikh Salih al-Fawzaan.

The Aqeedah of Tawheed: Part 2 - Tawheed ar-Rububiyyah
The second part of Shaykh al-Fawzaan's treatise which contains and excellent discussion of the Tawheed of Allaah's Lordship (Rububiyyah), also contains refutations of common doubts in this regard.

The Aqeedah of Tawheed: Part 3 - Tawheed ul-Uluhiyyah
The third of four parts, this time a detailed look at Tawheed al-Uluhiyyah, along with all of its conditions, requirements and nullifiers.


Concerning Islamic Groups and Sects
Questions on the status of Islamic groups and sects and the ruling on mixing with them.

Shaikh Fawzan on Calling Oneself Salafi
Ascribing oneself to the Salaf - this issue discussed with the words of Shaikh Fawzan himself, Shaikh Bin Baz, Shaikh ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah and others.

On Advising Rulers and States Concerning Their Shortcomings
Shaikh Salih al-Fawzan exposing the hatred of the people of hypocrisy and evil and explaining the correct mode of reformative action.

The Meaning of Fiqh ul-Waqi'
Shaikh Salih al-Fawzan gives a brief outline of the meaning of Fiqh ul-Waqi' (Understanding the State of Affairs) and differentiates from the fiqh of the Political Activists.

Shaykh Salih al-Fawzaan On Those Who Ought To Pronounce Takfir and Establish the Hadd Punishment
The Noble Shaykh explains who is appropriate and fit for pronouncing takfir and also for establishing the hadd punishments and that this is not the right of every individual, as this leads to confusion and chaos.


Allaamah al-Fawzaan on the Palestinians (April 2002)
The Noble Shaykh explains the obligation of helping the Palestinians with both wealth and supplication and that demonstrations are not from Islaam, bring no benefit and only please the Kuffaar.

Shaykh Salih al-Fawzaan on the Khawaarij, the Bombings (in Riyaadh) and the Sanctioning of the Hypocrites Updated
Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan exposes the ideology of the Khawaarij and its evil effects upon the land, and also those Hypocrites who lurk in the midst and who only reveal their true colours following certain events and incidents, desiring evil for Islam.


On the Awrah of a Muslim Woman To Other Muslim Women
Claryfying the issue of the definition of a woman's awrah to other Muslim women, an area in which undue laxity is sometimes shown by Muslim sisters.


The Difference Between a Mushrik and a Kaafir
Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan explains the difference between a Mushrik and a Kaafir, that there are generalities between them and specifics unique to each of them.

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