And this is supported by various ahaadeeth:
- From Ibn ’Abbaas, that Allaah’s Messenger, sallallaahu
’alaihi wa sallaam, said, "There will be at the end of
time a people who dye with this – black – like the crops of
doves – they will not smell the fragrance of Paradise." [Reported by Aboo
Daawood, an-Nasaaee, Ahmad and at-Tabraanee.]
- From Abud-Dardaa in marfoo’ form, "He who dyes with
black, Allaah blackens his face on the Day of Resurrection."
Al-Haithumee said, "Reported by at-Tabraanee and it contains
al-Wadeen ibn ’Ataa, declared reliable by Ahmad and Ibn Ma’een
and Ibn Hibbaan, and declared weak by others lesser in station than them.
And the rest of its narrators are reliable." Al-Haafiz said (10/292)
after attributing it to at-Tabraanee and Ibn Abee ’Aasim, "Its
isnaad is weak."
- Anas, radiyallaahu ’anhu, said, "We were with the
Prophet, sallallaahu ’alaihi wa sallaam, one day when Jews
entered upon them, and they saw them having white beards, so he said,
"Why do you not dye?" So it was said, They dislike it. So
he, sallallaahu ’alaihi wa sallaam, said, "But rather, you should dye! And beware of
black."Al-Haithamee said, "At-Tabraanee reports it in Al-Awsat, and
it contains Ibn Lahee’ah, and the rest of its narrators are reliable.
And it is a hasan hadeeth."
- ’Abdullaah ibn ’Umar, reports in marfoo’ form,
"Yellow is the dye of the Believer and red is the dye of the Muslim
and black is the dye of the disbeliever."
Al-Haithamee said, "At-Tabraanee reports it and it contains someone I do
not know." Thus it is clear that using black dye is forbidden, and this is the position
of a group of scholars and about which Ibn al-Qayyim said, "It is what is
correct without a doubt." As regards the hadeeth, "The best of that which you use as a
dye is this black, it makes you more desirable to your women and puts fear of
you into the hearts of your enemies." Reported by Ibn Maajah (2/382)],
then its isnaad is weak, it contains two weak narrators,
(Ad-Da’eefah, 2972).
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