Sayyid Qutb |
The Heresies of Sayyid Qutb in Light of the Statements of the Ulamaa : Part 4 |
Author: SalafiPublications.Com |
Article ID : NDV010012 [43323] |
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All Praise is due to Allaah, the Lord of the World and prayers and peace upon
His Messenger, his family and his companions. To proceed:
Then continuing in unveiling the ignorance and deception of the straying
Qutubis who continue to defend the mockery of the Prophets of Allaah, and the
slandering of the Caliphs of Islaam and the belittling and ridiculing of the
Companions of Allaah’s Messenger, and the takfir of the whole of mankind, let
alone of Banu Umayyah, and the innovations of the Jahmiyyah, Ash’ariyyah,
Mu’tazilah, Khawarij and other than them – by their despicable action of
accommodating, applauding, aggrandising, glorifying and raising the Innovators –
using what they call "one of the chains of evidences" the very unfortunate and
hasty four pages that came from Shaikh Bakr Abu Zaid, who has since
shown remorse for what he wrote, and who reviles the one who spreads them and
calls for the curse of Allaah upon the one who distributes them – then we
present to them and to those deceived by them – the reality of the
matter, as it truly transpired – so that they withdraw, and repent
from their deception of the common-folk: fooling them and deceiving them
with matters concerning which they are not in a position to verify and ascertain
- just like their deception with the very old praise of Imaam al-Albani for
Qutb, which has since been abrogated, for Imaam al-Albani praised and commended
the efforts of Shaikh Rabee’ in refuting and exposing the "ignorance and
deviation" of Sayyid Qutb as we have outlined in part 3 of this
series.Statement 1
Shaikh Rabee Ibn Haadee wrote:
"In the Name of Allaah, Full of Mercy, Ever-Merciful (to His Believing
Servants). All praise is due to Allaah and prayers and peace upon the Messenger
of Allaah, his companions and whoever follows his guidance. To proceed: Then the
people upon falsehood have attached themselves to the letter of Shaikh Bakr Abu
Zaid in such a severe manner, like the drowning person holds onto a splinter (of
However, in truth these papers are devoid of truth and only aid falsehood,
without (containing) any knowledge, guidance or (having any basis in) the
Illuminating Book. Rather to the one who acquires his understanding from Allaah
and His Messenger and who respects his own intelligence and who respects the
truth, they are more feeble than the house of a spider. And these papers do not
suit the one to whom they are described (i.e. the author), due to what they
contain of false lies.
It is for this reason that you see him fleeing from them. And some of the
people of nobility, excellence and erudition rejected these writings, amongst
the Shaikh Salih al-Fawzaan and Shaikh Sa’d al-Hussain, and he wrote a
refutation of this letter. Rather I say that anyone who respects the Salafi
manhaj will reject what this letter contains. And I also mention that amongst
those who checked over this letter after me was Shaikh Zaid Muhammad Haadee
Madhkhalee. And (eventually) Shaikh Bakr Abu Zaid disliked that his letter
should be distributed, rather he reviled the one who distributed it.
And also amongst those who followed him (Shaikh Bakr Abu Zaid) up and who
requested him to make an apology was Shaikh Alee Hasan ‘Abdul-Hameed. So Shaikh
Bakr Abu Zaid promised him that he would make an apology but he has not yet done
And what gives evidence to the fact that he was annoyed and dissatisfied with
his letter is that he was not pleased that it should be distributed, neither did
he have it printed and nor did he give it a title. However, the foolish
minded, the aiders of falsehood, and of wahdatul-wujood and hulool and ta’teel
of the Attributes and revilement of the Companions, rather the revilement of the
Noble Messengers and attacking them and other such heresies which the books of
Sayyid Qutb contain –they are the ones who printed and distributed it.
And Rabee’ bin Haadee Umayr al-Madkhalee refuted them (i.e. the books of
Qutb) in four books, assisting the deen of Allaah and His Messengers in all of
that and defending the Companions of the Seal of the Noble Messengers. Hence, it
is sufficient dignity for Rabee’ that he defends the deen of Allaah and the
those who carried and conveyed it. And it is sufficient humiliation and ignominy
for the defenders of Sayyid that they have contested the truth and its carriers
from among the Prophets and their Companions.
Written by:
Rabee’ bin Haadee ‘Umayr al-Madkhalee.
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