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Jamaa`at ut-Tabligh
  Shaikh Muqbil on Jamaa'at ut-Tabligh
Source: Al-Mukhraj min al-Fitnah
Article ID : GRV020001  [46072]  

What can be criticized with respect to this Jamaa'ah :

1. Lack of concern with Aqeedah.

Perhaps a man amongst them will accompany them for forty years and you will find him remaining on his innovated aqeedah, or aqeedah consisting of Shirk. And this is in opposition to the Sunnah since the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) ordered Muaadh ibn Jabal when he sent him to the Yemen that he should begin by calling the people to the testimony that there is none worthy of worship (in truth) except Allaah alone and that Muhammad is His Messenger [the hadeeth is in Bukhaaree and Muslim]. Therefore, the da'wah to Tawheed comes before every single thing and the one who submits himself to Tawheed is prepared and ready to renounce/abandon everything that is in opposition to the Sharee'ah.

2. Lack of concern with Knowledge.

You will see one of them having spent twenty years (on khurooj etc...) yet he still remains in his ignorance and in abandonment of knowledge and goodness. Bukhaaree and Muslim have reported in their Saheehs that the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said: "To whomsoever Allaah intends goodness He gives him understanding of the Deen". The caller to Allaah is the most deserving of people to have zeal and enthusiasm for the beneficial knowledge so that he can call people upon Baseerah (clear evidence, sure knowledge, with insight). Allaah said:

Say: This is my way, I call upon Allaah upon Baseerah (clear evidence, sure knowledge), I and whoever follows me and free is Allaah from all imperfections and I am not of those who associate partners with Allaah. [Yoosuf 12:108]

3. Falling short in Conveying some of the matters and being heedless of a large part of the Sharee'ah.

And Allaah the Exalted said:

O you who believe enter into Islam into fully (completely) [ref]

that is take Islaam from all its aspects. Indeed many of the excelled people of knowledge flee from their da'wah for this reason. And we are not making it obligatory upon them to speak about those matters in which they are not capable to do so and we do no permit them to speak in those matters about which they have no knowledge. But we say: Indeed it is obligatory upon the caller to Allaah that he speaks with justice due to His saying: "And when you speak then be just...", and the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) ordered Abu Dharr to speak the truth even if it was bitter.

4. Partisanship to the Madhdhab of Abu Haneefah

Partisanship towards the madhhab of Abu Haneefah is found amongst many of them - but the caller to Allaah, in fact every Muslim, it is necessary for him to comply with and to submit to the evidence.

And it is not befitting for a believing man or woman when Allaah and His Messenger have decreed a matter that they should have any choice (after that) in their affair. And whoever disobeys Allaah and His Messenger then he has strayed clearly [Surah Ahzaab 33:36]

So how can such a person call others to follow the Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) yet he is the first of those to oppose [the Messenger]?

O you who believe! Why do you say that which you do not do? It is greatly detestable to Allaah that you say that which you do not do [Soorah Saff 61:2-3]

Do you enjoin you Al-Birr (piety and righteousness and each and every act of obedience to Allbh) on the people and you forget (to practise it) yourselves, while you recite the Book? Have you then no sense? [Soorah al-Baqarah 2:44]

And Shu'ayb (as) said:

I wish not, in contradiction to you, to do that which I forbid you. I only desire reform so far as I am able, to the best of my power. [Soorah Hud 11:88]

5. Narrating weak and fabricated hadeeth and those hadeeth which have no foundation or basis.

The Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) said: "Beware of narrating much from me for whoever ascribes something to me, then let him say the truth and whoever says upon me that which I did not say, then let him find his seat in the Hellfire." Reported by Ahmad from Abu Qataadah.

And whoever says: 'Some of the people of knowledge have allowed the narrating of weak hadeeth which are related to the virtues of the actions' then he did he has not complied with the conditions they have attached to it, and that it is that the hadeeth should not be very weak and that it should have a basis [from other hadeeth] and that acting by it should not become common and widespread. And additionally, it is not permissible to narrate except that which is established... and when he speaks with the weak and forged hadeeth and that which has no basis then it is clear that it is not permissible to act upon it and Allaah knows best.


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