Also, we don't use rap songs to give Da`wah. Yes,
music and instruments existed in the time of the Companions, yet with their knowledge,
understanding, wisdom, and practice of Islãm (that will not be superceded by any other
generation before their time and after it) did not use music to give Da`wah. In fact they
did not listen to music at all.
This third condition of Baseerah means that we do
not tell the people the consequences Allãh has planned for anyone who does not live
according to His prescriptions and proscriptions. From several ãyãt and ahãdeeth we can
see that it is the Sunnah of Allãh and the Sunnah of His Messenger to tell the people about dreadful and
tormenting punishments for the disobedient.
Anã wa Manittaba`anee
"I and whomever follows me (does this)"
The Prophet and whomever follows him obeys the orders that just was given by Allãh: to invite the people
to Tawheed with proofs and evidences/certified and bonafide knowledge. For the second time
in this ãyah this command of Allãh is attached to the Sunnah of the Prophet. We should
pay very strict attention to this because in Allãh's infinite wisdom He knows why this is
being repeated in the same ãyah. So if we adhere to the orders given to us then we can
consider ourselves as believing and following the Messenger of Allãh as this part of the
ãyah states.
The Arabic word man is a particle that is
general. It is not restricted to any place or time. Whether one is a companion of the
Prophet , or is born
of Slavic descent, or lives in 17th century Salem, or emerges from the pre-historic
Flintstone age, or plays golf on the moon, the whomever, wherever, and whenever
does not make any difference - as long as he is following the Prophet he is abiding by the
dictates of Allãh. "Whoever obeys the Messenger has obeyed Allãh"
The Da`wah of Islãm has three aspectsto it:
Tawheed(monotheism),Ittibã` ar-Rasool (following the Messenger: Sunnah), and Tazkeeyah
(sanctification of the heart: the result of believing in Tawheed and following the
Wa Subhãnallãh
"and glorified is Allãh" This
Dhikr is usually translated into English as such but the denotative meaning of this phrase
is "Allãh is far above and removed from any indignities, deficiencies, limitations,
and lies that are attributed to Him", which connotes that He is hallowed/glorified.
Included in this He's far above having any partners, peers, equals, companions, mate, or
Wa Mã Anã Minal-Mushrikeen
"and I am not of the polytheists."
This means that the Prophet and all those who follow him are not of the deen of the
Usool ad-Da'wah/Conclusion
The foundation or rudiments of inviting people to
Allãh (there is none worthy of worship except Allãh) is given to us in this ãyah and
other ãyãt. What we must do is learn them, understand them, and apply them. This is the
methodology of Da`wah of all the prophets: Muhammad , Yoosuf (AS), Aadam (AS), et al. What these righteous individuals
did was call the people to Tawheed with proofs.