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For Non-Muslims
Introductory Materials   (5 Articles)
The Creation is in Need of Allaah
Having knowledge of Allaah is one of the most dire needs of the creation, since it is the basis upon which their purposeful existence can be realised. [09-Aug-99 : 11:40 AM]
The Second Pillar : Prayer in the Life Of A Muslim
An introduction for Non-Muslims to the second pillar of Islaam, Prayer and how it permeates into all arenas of a Muslims daily life at the individual and communal level. [13-May-01 : 12:00 AM]
Understanding Islaam
The Shaikh gives a brief summary of the main characteristics of the religion of Islaam. [10-Aug-99 : 07:52 PM]
Answers to 7 Questions on Islam
A brief overview of the religion of Islam, the Qur'an and Muslim beliefs. [02-Aug-99 : 02:25 PM]
An Introduction to the First Pillar of Islaam : The Declaration of Faith
A brief introduction to the declaration of faith, its meaning and concepts. Useful to introducing non-Muslims to the Islamic Faith. [25-Jun-99 : 09:37 AM]

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